Countdown to first annual Kenya Trade Fair and Conference begins

The Kenya High Commissioner has envisioned the Kenya Trade Fair and Conference as the start of an on-going dialogue and network leading to the eventual formation of a Kenya-South Africa Business Council that will continue managing Kenya/South Africa business relations, including this event.
The message of the Trade Fair and Conference is that Kenya is open for business and can provide massive opportunities for South African businesses looking to import Kenyan goods, or invest directly in the Kenyan market. In order to facilitate this growing business network between the two countries, the Kenyan government has committed to being present at the fair in order to reflect its on-going commitment to business growth and expansion. The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade of the Republic of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta will lead Kenya's delegation to the Trade Fair and Conference.
As the Kenya High Commissioner Thomas Amolo explains, "In 2007, the [Kenyan] government launched vision 2030, which aims to transform Kenya into a middle income country of locally competitive, prosperous nation, offering a high quality of life in a clean environment and maintain a sustained economic growth of 10%, create a just and cohesive society and create an accountable democratic country."
To demonstrate the Kenyan government's support for the event, various departments will actively take part in the Trade Fair and Conference with involvement committed from the following departments:
- Ministry of Trade
- Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife
- Ministry of Finance and Planning
- Kenya Tourist Board
- Export Promotion Council Kenya
- Kenya Investment Authority
- Export Processing Zones Authority
- Kenya Revenue Authority
- Kenya Association of Manufacturers
- Kenya Bureau of Standards
- Kenya Private Sector Alliance
- Kenya Flower Council
- Horticultural Crop Development Authority
- Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- EQUITY Bank - Kenya