Marketing efforts rewarded

It was pomp and colour during this year's Marketing Society of Kenya (MSK) awards gala on Friday, November 30. The event brought together more than 500 marketing professionals from various economic sectors.

“Marketers are the force behind every business and we are very proud of the marketing initiatives by marketers in Kenya,” said Tom Sitati, MSK Chairman. The marketing awards, commonly known as the Warrior Awards, are an annual event organized by the MSK.

This year, 24 entries were submitted for four categories namely:
• Best New Product and Service launch
• Best Social Marketing Effort
• Best Development of Existing Brand
• Best Marketing Campaign

The entries were judged by a panel of six marketing professionals with experience from different sectors. Ken Kariuki, the chief judge says the evaluation process took three and a half days and was held at the MSK secretariat offices.

The judging process

Methodology for rating was based on reading the documented entries and reviewing communication materials and using an evaluation form with a 10-point scale where 10 was excellent and 1 poor. The judges reviewed each entry through an open discussion, rated each entry individually and the forms were then collected and tallied.

“We had very good entries where you could tell a lot of work had been put into the preparation of the entry. We also had entries where not enough time and effort was put into delivering a quality entry,” says Kariuki.

The judges were interested in various areas: Consumer need identification, information on the issue or opportunity, consumer insights generated, creativity and distinctivity of execution, relevance to the brand and proposition, objectives set and achievement of those objectives, how the brand has been energised or re-energised and successful repositioning or reinforced positioning.

“We had entries that articulated the issue/opportunity, expounded on the challenge, identified the objectives, generated important insights, demonstrated excellent use of the marketing mix and showed it in the achievement of objectives,” says Kariuki.

And the winners were…

Best New Product and Service launch
Newness defined as new to the Kenyan market - could exist in another market but is new in Kenya.
Warrior: Celtel - One Network
1st Runner up: Safaricom – Mpesa
2nd Runner up: Crown Berger - Ruff n Tuff

Best Social Marketing Effort
The application of the marketing mix to market goods/services that uplift society.
Warrior: Nairobi Women's Hospital and Safaricom (Gender Violence Recovery Centre)
1st Runner up: Tusker Sports East Africa Breweries Ltd
2nd Runner up: Blood for Life (Safaricom)

Best Brand or Service innovation
Focus on innovation that could be described as a feature upgrade as a result of powerful consumer insights, making the brand more consumer friendly.
Warrior: Saasa Tariff – Safaricom
1st Runner up: Kisima Financial Solution - ABC Bank
2nd Runner up: Bonga Points – Safaricom

Best Development of Existing Brand
A brand that has been in existence but has been re-energized or re-branded without changing the fundamentals. The brand should be clearly identified as the old brand after re-branding or re-energizing.
Warrior: Coke Side of Life - Coca Cola
1st Runner up: Extreme Makeover – Cadburys
2nd Runner up: Connecting Lives - East African Cables

Best Marketing Campaign
The best use of integrated marketing communication mix in a campaign to achieve marketing objectives.
Warrior: Dura Coat Basco paints - Peter Marangi campaign
1st Runner up: Team Spirit Blue Band Goodstart – Unilever
2nd Runner up: Bila Ubaguzi – Celtel

About Carole Kimutai

Carole Kimutai is a writer and editor based in Nairobi, Kenya. She is currently an MA student in New Media at the University of Leicester, UK. Follow her on Twitter at @CaroleKimutai.
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