Satellite data provides fresh insights into the amount of water in the Nile basinEmad Hasan and Aondover Tarhule 9 Nov 2020
Global food system emissions alone threaten warming beyond 1.5°C - but we can act now to stop itJohn Lynch 9 Nov 2020
Study sheds light on what it takes for women to succeed - or not - in science in AfricaAllen Muyaama Mukhwana and Judy Omumbo 2 Nov 2020
#ConsciousLiving: Ashaki driving purpose-led beauty through impact sourcingLauren Hartzenberg 30 Oct 2020
850,000 animal viruses could be caught by humans, unless we protect nature - UN reportKatie Woolaston and Judith Lorraine Fisher 30 Oct 2020
Restrictions in trade to contain Covid-19 have been devastating for Africa's urban poorAstrid R.N. Haas and Victoria Delbridge 27 Oct 2020
African countries need more air quality data - and sharing it unlocks its benefitsRebecca Garland and Paul Plantinga 12 Oct 2020