
Results for journalism


How can companies promote democracy and social justice?
ESG & Sustainability
How can companies promote democracy and social justice?

Issued by Trialogue 28 May 2024

Number one in Gauteng
Marketing & Media
Number one in Gauteng

Issued by The Citizen 19 Apr 2024

Source: © Twitter  Yesterday 15 April Daily Maverick shut down
Marketing & Media
#DMShutdown: Daily Maverick - Why we did it

16 Apr 2024

Source: © The Fix  Daily Maverick has shut down. For today, 15 April 2024. Styli Charalambous, CEO of the Daily Maverick
Marketing & Media
Daily Maverick has shut down

Issued by Daily Maverick 15 Apr 2024

Source: ©AdFocus2021 Rob Rose, editor of FM, (left) with Tumi Rabanye 2021 AdFocus chair (centre) and Faheem Chaudhry, 2022 chair (right)
Marketing & Media
Rob Rose resigns as Financial Mail editor

29 Jan 2024

Beyond news, beyond time: 25 years of news on
Marketing & Media
Beyond news, beyond time: 25 years of news on

Issued by eMedia 18 Jan 2024

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